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Inside The Stacks @ Busse Library

Meet Your Librarian: Samm Schwarz

by Samantha Schwarz on 2021-09-02T13:35:13-05:00 | 0 Comments

This week as we get back into the rhythm of the semester, we will be highlighting the Busse Library staff, focusing on a different staff member each day.

Today we'd like you to meet Samm Schwarz, one of the librarians on staff.

1. What is your role in the library?

I am the Access Services Librarian and liaison to the history, politics, and justice department on campus.

2. What does your role typically include?

A little bit of everything. I'm responsible for processing new items to be added to the collection, general collection maintenance, and weeding items. I also field questions about library services, citations (I specialize in Chicago Manual of Style and MLA) and technology. In addition to this, I oversee our new digital repository and serve as the administrator for our ProQuest page for graduate students interested in publishing their work.

3. What do you like to do when you aren’t at work?

I have a dog named Tilly who dictates most of my non-work schedule. Usually, I can be found knitting or crocheting--I almost always have a project on hand. I also do a little bit of writing and usually have a long to-read list. 

4. What have you been reading/listening/watching recently?

I've been listening to a lot of podcasts lately, including Criminalia, Dressed, Morbid, Muscialsplaining, and Face Jam. There are a few YouTube series that I watch including Watcher's Puppet History and Be Kind, Rewind's examinations of old movies. When I need some mindless programming to throw on in the background, it's usually Hogan's Heroes or Father Brown.

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